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Sport Injuries New Unit

Orthopedic & Sport Injuries Problems:

Lower Limb Sport Injures:

The most common:

  • Anterior cruciate ligament
  • Posterior cruciate ligament surgery (ACL- PCL)
  • Meniscus tear
  • Postoperative cases
  • Total hip replacement
  • Total knee replacement
  • Ankle disorders &surgeries.

Upper limb sports injuries:

The most common upper limb injuries:

  • Shoulder and elbow dislocation or injuries.
  • Tennis elbow.
  • Postoperative hand surgeries-fracture (clavicle, radius, and humerus).
  • Tear and sprain of upper limb muscles and ligaments.
  • Tendinitis and peripheral nerves injure.

Orthopedic & sports injuries programs:

Dar El Mona Emphasis on selecting the appropriate measurement tool according to the individual’s level of function. Also, the need to measure the individual performance under different environmental constraints.

Dar El Mona state of the art Computer-based physical therapy systems (virtual reality) enable patients to maintain their attention and concentration while stretching and strengthening their physical capacities. In many of these new systems, the program operates by projecting patient’s current image onto a virtual environment presented on a screen. Then, the patient will perform a given set of exercises, prescribed by the therapist, which are aimed to ameliorate their cognitive abilities while having fun.

The recorded measurement data are shown on a computer system using image processing software. A comparison between different measurements is immediate.

Dar El Mona state of the art Computer-based physical therapy devices and equipment includes the following:

Radiofrequency device:

A state of the art computer based device in orthopedic and sports injuries that uses radiofrequency which helps:

  • Decrease edema
  • Increase range of motion
  • Decrease scar after operation
  • Decrease contracture
  • Increases drainage by removing lactic acid and other wastes from the muscle treated.

All of these benefits will improve muscles performance.

EVM Machine:

A power of sound waves device that in helps in:

  • Strengthen the muscle during rehabilitation after trauma and /or surgery and/or proprioception (even in passive rehabilitation where it is not possible to act in an active way because of Inflammation or sprains).
  • The draining action and stimulation of the muscle pump reactivates the blood flow in the muscle.
  • Immediate increase strength and resistance of the muscles, motor coordination, optimization of the lymphatic system, allow less fatigue and a better energy recovery to the muscles.

Computerized measurement of muscle power:

A multifunctional system used to measure strength of different muscles in the same time since all measurements are performed in a sitting position and it is not required to reposition the patient, to give us a data to perform an accurate program.

Computer and sensorized special therapy bed

A state of art of medical devices in physiotherapy used to measure muscle tension

  • Easy to use software module to do a postural training in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium posture.
  • Training games different and multiple training games to catch the attention of the patients during training session.
  • Used to detect any posture deviations and to correct it.

Balance and proprioception computer added device:

A state of art medical devices in physiotherapy help in  assessing and treating balance, equilibrium and proprioception of post sports injuries and surgeries

Computerized treadmill:

Gait assessment and gait training device that is a perfect technology for gait training for neurological and orthopedic disorders that by guide the patient how to walk and give him normal gait pattern by visual and auditory biofeedback.

Neuro move device:

The neuro move device uses the patient powers of concentration and imagination to help relearn muscle movements which have been lost with biofeedback.

Thera-Trainer device:

A professional therapy device especially for wheelchair users and people with walking disability in the early stage of rehabilitation offers active (with muscle power), assistive or passive (with motor power) exercise. The THERA-Trainer tigo can be operated as easy as possible and is developed for the daily use in clinics or in the domestic use. It is in accordance to most recent quality and safety standards.

An isokinetic device

 for assessment of muscle contraction (static and dynamic)

Very useful for sports rehabilitation

Upper limb robotics:

Dar El Mona’s robotic- and computer aided rehabilitation devices include:

  • Robotic- and computer-assisted therapy devices for fingers and hands with therapy software that provides feedback- and measurement modules for muscle stengh and tone (spasticity) for different rehabilitation therapy games.
  • Interactive therapy exercises which focus on visuo­motor finger, hand and arm coordination as well as support patients with sensory-motor and cognitive impairments during rehabilitation.
  • Interactive virtual reality training exercises for lower limb function
  • Usefull in all satagesofrehabilitation.

Dar El Mona offers other rehabilitation programs for orthopedic and sports injury patients such as:

TENS(transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation):

TENS is very effective for joints and muscular pain.

Gymnastic exercises

Dar el Mona provides a high facility gym with professional specialists who can perform the program of treatment.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy (sometimes called bodywork) is a general term for treatment performed mostly with the hands. The goals of manual therapy include: relaxation, decreased pain, and increased flexibility.

Manual therapy can include:

Massage: Pressure is applied to the soft tissues of the body, such as the muscles. Massage can help relax muscles, increase circulation, and ease pain in the soft tissues.

Mobilization: Slow, measured movements are used to twist, pull, or push bones and joints into position. This can help loosen tight tissues around a joint and help with flexibility and alignment.

Manipulation. Pressure is applied to a joint. It can be done with the hands or a special device. The careful, controlled force used on the joint can range from gentle to strong and from slow to rapid.

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) Technique

PNF Techniques help develop muscular strength and endurance, joint stability, mobility, neuromuscular control and coordination– all of which are aimed at improving the overall functional ability of patients.

Facilitation Techniques

A facilitation muscle is one of the treatments techniques and approaches from different philosophical backgrounds are utilized in neurological rehabilitation to improve paralyzed muscle power.


Using hydrotherapy very effective in treating cases with back pain , joints pain and muscular pain.

Under water exercise in swimming pool:

Most orthopedic and sports injuries patients in need to start by underwater exercise by decreasing their weight and improving their performance as well as decreasing their liability to injury.

LASER therapy (Shower LASER &Pointer LASER)

Laser application is very useful in orthopedic and sports injuries for decreasing inflammation, relive pain and improve soft tissue healing.


Used as to decrease pain and edema. 

Electric stimulation

  • Muscle Stimulation is referred as (NMES)Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation or EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) and is useful for rehabilitation of muscles.
  • The device is powerful enough to achieve a strong muscle contraction. The stimulation phases on-and-off to mimic conventional exercise and thus will cause strengthening of the muscle fibers and increase in muscle “tone.”


Indications for the EMS are:

  • Relaxation of muscle spasm
  • Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy
  • Increasing local blood circulation
  • Muscle re-education
  • Immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis
  • Maintaining or increasing range of motion 

The standing and balancing exercisers

From a therapeutic point of view, standing cannot be overrated. Safe standing and good balance are basic requirements for walking. The standing and balancing exercisers are suitable for patients with risk of falling as well as for wheelchair users and patients in vege­tative state. Dynamic vertical exercise is the >>cham­pions league<< for every patient.

Balance and equilibrium program

Unbalance and disequilibrium may result from different neurological or orthopedic problems.

The aim of a Balance and equilibrium Exercise program is to regain pre-injury levels of equilibrium. A full balance rehabilitation program is essential to ensure full recovery and in order to prevent re-injuries.


After consideration of the effects of the problem on the individual function and the expected rate of recovery, different methods of assessment are considered.


Dar El Mona Emphasis on selecting the appropriate measurement tool according to the individual’s level of function. Also, the need to measure the individual performance under different environmental constraints.


The person stands or sits on a computerized sensor board and the recorded measurement data are shown on a computer system using image processing software. A comparison between different measurements is immediate.

Dar El Mona‘s robotic- and computer aided rehabilitation device includes:

  • Asensor-based rehabilitation device for static and dynamic assessment and therapy applications. It works on the improvement of balance and postural control, or active use of force and support activities of the upper extremities. Our combines the interactive training software and exercise games with the well-known benefits of a conventional wobble board.
  • A proprioceptive system linked to a personal computer that allow an assessment and a proprioceptive and postural training.
  • Our TBED provided by a sensors network, which can get every single interaction therapist/patient and can show it in real time on the computer. It helps in avoiding bed sores for bed- ridden patients.

Back Pain Rehabilitation Program

Back pain is pain felt in the back, pain may be acute, sub-acute, or chronic depending on the onset.  The pain may originate from the musclesnervesbonesjoints or other structures in the vertebral column. Depending on the region or the segments of the spine, pain may be: Cervical neck pain, thoracic (middle back pain) , lumbar ( lower back pain ) or coccydynia (tailbone or sacral pain).

Potential causes of back pain:

The most common cause of back pain is due to muscular cause which accounts for about 85% (muscle strain).

Another potential source of lower back pain is the synovial joints of the spine

There are several other potential sources and causes of back pain these include: Spinal disc herniation, degenerative disc disease or isthmic spondylolisthesis, osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease)lumbar spinal stenosis, trauma and fractures

Other less common causes may include cancer, infection and inflammatory disease.

Back pain management goals

The management goals when treating back pain are to achieve maximal reduction in pain intensity as rapidly as possible, to restore the individual’s ability to function in everyday activities, to help the patient cope with residual pain, to assess for side-effects of therapy. For many, the goal is to keep the pain to a manageable level to progress with rehabilitation.

Back pain assessment & treatment

Not all treatments work for all conditions or for all individuals with the same condition. After consideration of the effects of the back problem on the individual physical function and the expected rate of recovery, different methods of assessment are considered.

Dar El Mona Emphasis on selecting the appropriate measurement tool according to the individual’s level of function. Also, the need to measure the individual performance under different environmental constraints.

Dar el Mona state of the art Computer-based physical therapy systems (virtual reality) enable patients to maintain their attention and concentration while stretching and strengthening their physical capacities. In many of these new systems, the program operates by projecting patient’s current image onto a virtual environment presented on a screen. Then, the patient will perform a given set of exercises, prescribed by the therapist, which are aimed to ameliorate their physical abilities while having fun.

The recorded measurement data are shown on a computer system using image processing software. A comparison between different measurements is immediate.

Dar El Mona‘s robotic- and computer aided rehabilitation device helps in the prevention, rehabilitation and training of Back pain problems.

  • The range of motion and the strength profiles of the spine-stabilizing musculature are measured in all anatomical main plains. Thus mobility and strength deficits and imbalances are identified. On the basis of these results a specific, highly efficient training (maximum strength, strength endurance, strength coordination and mobility training) of the sensory motor systems of the lumbar spine can be created. Thereby existing muscular imbalances and performance deficits are eradicated and the natural mobility and resilience of the spine reestablished and retained.
  • Measurement of the range of motion of the spine, especially in the thoracic and lumbar segments. The measurement can be conducted simultaneously or successively in the anatomic planes. That way, it is possible to objectify existing deficits of the range of motion, define treatment targets and document the recovery progress.
  • Execution of a specific training (treatment) of the sensory motor systems of the thoracic and lumbar spine joint motor function under isometric working conditions. The training aims at reducing existing muscular imbalances and deficits and at restoring and improving the natural range of motion and resilience of the spine in those segments, A complex test for the identification of functional imbalances and deficits only takes 15 minutes 3- dimensional computer-supported training for the muscles of the lumbar spine area, including the lateral and abdominal muscles.
  • 4D analysis permits rapid static and dynamic (functional) optical measurement of the human back and spine.
  • Radiation-free assessment of the back condition and operates without contact, suitable for adults and children.
  • Numerous clinical parameters for objective analysis of body statics, posture, scoliosis, and all forms of spinal deformities can be shown.
  • Determination of neuromuscular imbalances and deficits in the lumbar spine segment.
  • Targeted training to eradicate existing neuromuscular imbalances and deficits.
  • Conditioning of the musculature as precondition of the general stabilizing of the back and as basis for any further training.
  • Controlled activation of the autochthonic back musculature, initiated through instrumental proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF).
  • Neuromuscular training through activating the balance analyzer.
  • Functional training through synergetic demand on the balance analyzer and the sensory motor systems of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine motor function.
  • Networking and storage of data for an efficient execution of tests, training and follow up.
  • A whole-body measurement method which unites several conventional back testing systems and saves the user a significant amount of time since all measurements are performed in a sitting position and it is not required to reposition the patient.

At Dar EL-MONA Creating an individualized plan of treatment for neurorehabilitation begins with a comprehensive assessment, which informs the development of a tailored individualized intervention strategy.

Each patient’s treatment plan is tailored to their specific needs, considering the severity of their condition, overall health, and rehabilitation goals. Continuous assessment and adjustment of the manual therapy techniques ensure optimal outcomes.