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Recreational Activities

For all neurological and orthopedic survivors, recreational therapy can be a critical component to your rehabilitation program, especially if you’re struggling with feelings of hopelessness, depression, and disinterest in your old hobbies. Recreational therapy helps boost your morale and sense of freedom while also counteracting negative feelings that often occur after illness.

Types of Recreation

Your recovery is an opportunity for you to explore and discover new hobbies; ones that you might love even more! Here’s a list of some leisure activities that you can talk with your recreational therapist about doing:

                • Baby foot.
                • Ping pong.
                • Swimming.
                • Birthdays and occasional celebrations.
                • Trips and Exertions.
                • Musical & cultural program.
                • Art & craft.
                • Cooking.
                • Board games (which can also be a part of the cognitive or occupational therapy program).