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Physical Therapy

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability through manual therapy, education and advice...

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Electrotherapy Therapy

Electrotherapy is a therapeutic modality that uses electrical energy to promote healing, reduce pain, and improve physical function. It is widely used in physical...

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Speech Therapy

Speech therapy, also known as speech-language therapy or speech-language pathology, is a clinical intervention that aims to assess...

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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) is a holistic and client-centered health profession that focuses...

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Bladder Rehabilitation

Bladder rehabilitation, also known as bladder retraining or bladder re-education, is a therapeutic approach...

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Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Training in Dar El Mona is more focused on helping the individual re-learn the more...

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Cognitive Rehabilitation

Cognitive therapy, often referred to as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), is a type of psychotherapy ...

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Robotic and computer aided rehabilitation device

I chose a physical therapy career because I knew I wanted to help people without sticking them with needles...

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Recreational Activities

For all neurological and orthopedic survivors, recreational therapy can be a critical component to your rehabilitation program, especially...

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Hydrotherapy, also known as water therapy or aquatic therapy, involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment. It encompasses a variety of techniques and treatments...

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Both over and underweight can be underlying factors contributing to several health conditions that require rehabilitation such as musculoskeletal problems, cardiac cases, stroke, and ...

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